AOTUR drains map guide extras about


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Named after the BeltLine Railroad which originally followed portions of Yellow Creek though this part of town, this drain has many interesting features within it’s winding path. A stone archway is left under Yonge St, multiple changes in pipe types from A-shaped to horseshoe and back, overflow chambers (two of them), and four large storage tanks (football field size in length) sit side-by-each connected by overflow windows. At times this drain is a killer as you hunch over to make your way to the Merorial Park tanks, but it’s definitely worth all the lower back pain! – AOTU


LocationToronto, ON
Size/Type2000mm RCP, A-shape 1800, 1900mm Horseshoe
Drain TypeCreekwater
Length4km+ back bracker
FeaturesStone tunnel under Yonge Street, four storage chambers
AOTUR Rating5/10
Discovered ByA fellow named Mike
First Documented ExplorationSewer Rats

July 8th trip

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