AOTUR drains map guide extras about

Chutes & Ladders

Chutes and Ladders Drain

Chutes and Ladders is one of the greatest drains in the whole of Toronto, with an amazing waterfall to show for it and a ladder straight out of Metal Gear Solid 4. It is one of the first drains that EOTU did, and the first one that the leader did too! It's technically walkable no matter how far you go, and each off-chute goes for 6 km or more. It's a must to go drain!


LocationToronto, ON
Size/Type2400mm RCP
Drain TypeStormwater
Length3km walkable
FeaturesStairs and a massive dropshaft
AOTUR Rating10/10 "One of the best!"
Discovered ByAOTU
First Documented ExplorationAOTU

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